Thursday, December 17, 2009

beautiful people...

meet the hannemanns.

i seriously had a blast on this shoot!! and i gotta say, i love the white and gray ensemble the mrs. put together.

tree tops


the mrs.




max falling



fly reef



momma's boy

ps. aren't ya just a tad jealous that we're basking in the sun in december??
just a little...


Aimee's Family Journal said...

Jenni! You are a knock out!

Rhitzclan said...

Oh my goodness those all turned out so well! I love them all!

mikensi said...

you do such great work, fani j. foto! love these!

Rebecca Waldron said...

You are one talented woman Stef.
These are amazing!

Melanie said...

Oh my beautiful Jenni could you get any cutier or any skinner you look awesome. Those pics are so sweet I love them I will have to say the one with you and ster kissing while reef is hanging upside down is my favorite. I love your cute family. I miss you
Hugs and Luvs

Jenni said...

Stef, you really are so talented. Thank you, thank you, thank you for capturing such great shots of our family! We have gotten rave reviews...everyone is in "awe" at your marvelous work.

Erin said...

seriously. all those hanneman's are such gorgeous people.
i love these pics!