Tuesday, August 31, 2010

hockey, dill pickle chips, & the jefferies

i like canada. i spent my 19th birthday in canada... well, barely. niagara falls. that counts though, right? i know my share of canadians and i adore them all. what is it with canadians? at least the ones i know... they're creative, stylish, funny, easy going...

and i like barenaked ladies too. the band, of course. and isn't coldplay from canada?

the jefferies. they're canadians. and i adore them too. they had themselves a glorious, kid-free vacation here in hawaii this summer, and i had the pleasure of following them around for an afternoon doing my click click thing here and there.

bus stop

hand-in-handglen jumps


they say redheads have more fun sunsets and kisses

he's hers

kissy face

near. far.

sunsets and kisses


Christina said...

Great pictures! I still can't believe how good she looks after having twins!!!

Ashley C said...

Awesome photos Stef!

P.S. Coldplay is from England. Get it right.